VLOGs are blogs produced in video function including an American Sign Language interpreter and Closed Captioning.
NCDHH Partners with Innivee Strategies on Executive Director Search
COVID-19: Educational Resources & Communication Access
COVID-19: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Organizations Stress Importance of Communication Access
COVID-19: NCDHH Offices and Social Distancing
Interpreter Referral Program: What's Next?
Public Service Commission Providing Disaster Relief for NSTEP equipment
Severe Weather Emergency Contact Information
Nebraska Legislative Bill- LB15: The Children of Nebraska Hearing Aids Act
Nebraska Attorney General VLOG Pt. 3
Nebraska Attorney General VLOG Pt. 2
Nebraska Attorney General VLOG Pt. 1
Open Captioning at the Lincoln Grand
Text to 911 Technology Available: Sarpy County
How To Electronically File Your Taxes
National Bullying Prevention Month
Captioning in Nebraska's Memorial Stadium
NCDHH Employee Spotlight Video Series
NCDHH Advocacy Specialist Podcasts