

hereNebraska Licensed Interpreters 1.23.2025In 2005, the Nebraska Legislature passed the Nebraska Sign Language Interpreter law, Nebraska Revised Statute §20-150 through §20-159. These state statutes provide authority to NCDHH to receive and process license applications and sign language interpreter complaints. The law was created to help ensure that effective communication is provided to Deaf or Hard of Hearing consumers, as protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Effective January 1, 2016, N.R.S. §20-156.01 mandates that sign language interpreters who receive compensation for their services and Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) Service Providers who provide services in Nebraska to hold licensure in the State of Nebraska. Interpreters that are exempt from this law are: interpreters working in the K-12 educational setting, volunteers, emergency situations (interpreters working in an emergency situation is only permitted until a licensed interpreter arrives), interpreting students (must be under the supervision of a licensed interpreter), interpreters working in the religious setting, and interpreters working under a VRI business license (working for a VRI provider, who is licensed).


Licensed Sign Language Interpreters

Licensed Interpreter List_current 1.23.2025

VRI Companies 

Nebraska Licensed VRI Companies 12.3.24

Interpreter Licensure Action

Licensure Action Notice 10.16.2020

Licensure Action 1.24.19

Applications / Forms


Initial Business Application

Initial Intermediary Application

Initial Interpreter/Transliterator Application



Reinstatement VRI Business License Application

Reinstatement Intermediary Application

Reinstatement Interpreter/Transliterator Application



Renewal Business Application

Renewal Intermediary Application

Renewal Interpreter/Transliterator Application


Temporary Permit Application

Temporary Permit Tracking Sheet


Apprentice License Application

Apprentice License Technical Assistance Document

Apprentice License Service Hours Tracking Sheet

Apprentice License CEU Tracking Sheet


Additional information regarding licensing requirements can be found in Title 96: Rules and Regulations Relating to Sign Language Interpreters or by contacting Gina Petersen at  


Licensure Complaints

Those who would like to file a licensure complaint or have more information regarding the informal and formal complaint process may contact Gina Petersen at or 402-471-3593. The complaint process can be found in Section 003.07 of Title 96. A complete list of the complaint process can be found here